Seasonal Reset Guide

Seasonal Reset Guide


A simple and effective Diet & Lifestyle program rooted in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine for use for 3 to 10+ days. Designed with the demands of motherhood in mind.

In your guide, you’ll find step-by-step guidance to improve your gut health, reduce stress, and reestablish healthy habits. Use your guide when you feel you need a reset and/or during the transition period between seasons throughout the year. Explore the Free Self-Care Google Calendar to get reminders when to use your guide!

Recommended dates for 2024:

*bonus: the Reset facebook group is open during these times.

January 28th - February 3rd

April 28th - May 4th

July 28th - August 3rd

November 3rd - 9th

Give yourself a boost with a treatment during this time. Booking an Extended Treatment gives you time for cupping, acupuncture, and for Kate to recommend herbal medicine to best start the new season.

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Here is your call back to balance when life's pace has swept you up!

Who is this Guide for?

This Reset Guide is for women who are feeling exhausted,  overextended, and out of balance from the rigor of a busy and likely often beautiful life! You may be experiencing anxiety, bloating, constipation, poor sleep, out of balance menstrual cycles, irritability, easy crying, weight gain, or feeling inflamed. 

They see the value of dropping into self-care habits throughout the year and value the benefits of a home-cooked meal; this Reset Guide will be the anchor that brings you back to cooking delicious gut-healing meals and taking a little time each day for centering practices that feed your soul.

No prior knowledge of Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda is required to utilize this Guide for exceptional benefit. Basic skills around cooking rice and vegetables and a willingness to learn to cook broth and beans are required. I recognize that for some women, like myself, time for cooking is tight (!) and so I’ve made the Meal Plans as efficient as possible without being monotonous.

* Black + Indigenous female-identifying people are welcome to receive this Guide for free. If you’re not sure if this means you, it is if you feel you need the offer or if it encourages you to engage in this focused seasonal self-care. Reach out by email to request scholarship status for the Reset Guide

What's in this Guide?

In the Seasonal Reset Guide you’ll find the tools & instruction rooted in Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda to walk you through a simple digestion & energy reset for these special times in the year. 


  • Guidance on how to create an intention that fuels your Reset

  • Planning your Reset with your Menstrual cycle in mind 

  • Food Diary to promote awareness and accountability before you begin shifting your diet

  • Check-List to prepare your home environment for healthier food choices & easier meal creation

  • Keys to focus on for your Reset at different times of year 

  • 12 Delicious Recipes to enjoy during your Reset & beyond

  • Tips for cutting back on sugar, caffeine, & alcohol 

  • Grocery List to make prep easy 

  • Example Meal Plans including a Meal Plan for Mom and Kids meals too

  • Fundamental Body Care including abhyanga & acupressure to soothe your nervous system & reduce bloating

  • Prompts to help you transition out of your Reset & into a new season smoothly 

Kick the Out-of-Balance Feeling

The health of your body and mind rest on the strength of your digestion: 

  • When our digestion is strong & we take in foods that are appropriate for our bodies and the season, we feel full of life. 

  • When our digestion is weak & our diet is out of rhythm with nature, we find ourselves feeling low energy and often mentally stuck in a rut.

In Classical Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda, the junction between seasons is seen as a time where our digestion is especially vulnerable due to the changing environment, and it's easy for the body to accumulate toxins due to poorly digested foods.

If we heed the call of nature to shift to a more easily digestible, yet nourishing, diet and simplified lifestyle, we can actually strengthen our systems, so that we can start the new season inspired and well!   

Taking periodic opportunities to evaluate your current health rhythms and make the appropriate adjustments is a powerful step towards sustainable health. 


Have a question?

Email me at, and I'll get back to you soon. Thanks! 

~ Kate Lumsden (Schwabacher), L.Ac. 

Is this a cleanse?

This guide gives general guidance around supporting your digestion and recipes that you can add to your diet. It is not as structured as cleanse programs I have led in the past. 

While it does offer ideas around ways to lighten the load on your digestive system such as reducing/eliminating dairy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, it does not require any full eliminations. For many people, simply adding the included recipes to your diet will crowd out a number of the foods and habits that aren't serving your health. 

Does this guide need to be modified for different times of year?

As you can imagine the transition between seasons feels quite different in January and July! That said, the recipes and practices included here are safe and beneficial anytime of year. If you're wanting more guidance to adjust the recipes and practices to the specific time of year, please refer to the Seasonal Guide for the upcoming season for those details.  

Is this safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Absolutely! You can keep many of the more nutrient dense foods that benefit the body during this demanding time (such as eggs, fish, bone broth) while adding in the included recipes and taking extra mindfulness with the way you are eating. Classic Ayurveda recommends stopping abhyanga (body oiling) during pregnancy, but it is an essential part of postpartum care! You'll also see guidance around what acupressure point in the guide is best avoided during pregnancy. 

Align your body with nature and watch you physical and mental health flourish!