Next Kids Clinic Date is Saturday, June 29th.

Scroll down for details and to book an appointment.

Kate Lumsden, L.Ac. uses Eastern Medicine to treat….

colic, constipation, diarrhea, teething pains, sleep: insomnia, night terrors, and more, eczema & rashes, vaccination support

common cold, coughs, ear infections, fevers, anxiety and depression, ADD/ADHD, developmental delays, sensory disorders and more. 


SLIDING-SCALE kids clinic

In the Kids Acupressure Clinic you can learn about pediatric services & herbal medicine and introduce your baby or child to holistic eastern health care in a gentle 10-minute wellness treatment.

Pediatric acupuncture and cupping

Kate Lumsden, licensed acupuncturist, certified ayurvedic practitoner, & mother, offers acupressure wellness treatments to babies and children in the community seasonally.

In addition to acupressure (point activation done by touch), Kate uses a Japanese non-needle style designed for children called Shonishin. Shonishin uses simple tools to gently stimulate acupuncture points and meridians via comfortably brushing and tapping on the surface of the skin to harmonize energy, strengthen the child’s immune system, and calm their nervous system.

This is a great opportunity to keep your child in good health or get your child into better health. If your child has any cold or flu symptoms currently, please reach out to Kate to schedule an initial consultation or wait until they are well to come to the next Kids Clinic

Registration and More Details below.


Registration Details

Follow the link below and book a Kids Clinic appointment for Saturday, June 29th.

Children ages newborn to 10 years old are welcome for treatment. Older siblings are welcome to come and watch.


Have a question? Email Kate at

Sliding Scale: $30-50 via venmo or cash. No one turned away for lack of funds. Please email Kate to let her know if you’re experiencing financial hardship prior to coming in.

*If you are booking for two or more children, please book two appointments back to back. If you have up to 4 children you’ll be bringing in, two appointment slots will be enough for the 4 kids.

Unable to make the Kids Clinic? You’re welcome to book at free 15 minute call to learn more about how Eastern Medicine may fit your health goals for you or your child.


About your Appointment

Your time with Kate will include an introduction to pediatric treatment (a fun tour of all Kate’s tools for kids) and a short 7-10 minute treatment. Friendly tools will be used to massage and stimulate certain acupuncture points and meridians. Because this is so gentle most children become very relaxed and enjoy it. The child should wear loose fitting clothes that can be pulled up to access the arms, legs, abdomen, and back.  (Depending on the comfort level of the child, they can choose to remove their shirt and just wear shorts)

Parents and children will get a feel for Kate’s approach and some of the tools she makes use of in her Pediatric Acupuncture practice. These treatments are a wonderful warm up for if you’re considering bringing your child to see Kate for teething, ongoing colds, digestive struggles, or behavioral challenges and more: the child gets to know Kate & the space which makes future treatment even easier & more effective.

Note: The Kids Clinic is to promote health in children who are already well. If your child has cold or flu symptoms currently, please refrain from bringing them to the Kids Clinic and schedule an initial consultation instead so that Kate can support your child’s healing with herbal medicine and custom recommendations.