The Village Membership

Become a Village Member and receive the benefits of monthly acupuncture and bodywork to reduce the harm of everyday physical and emotional stressors, toxins, and trauma and to increase your energy and capacity to be there for the people and causes you love.

Available for adults, teens, and children.


  • Maintenance of flares of chronic health conditions including autoimmune, digestive, hormonal, and neurological. 

  • Postpartum mental healthcare, breastfeeding support, and physical rejuvenation

  • Highly active teens and adults who want to optimize their performance and prevent injury

  • Teens and adults working with generalized anxiety disorder or PMS.

  • Children with weaker immune systems to prevent colds, ear infections, and flus.

Save $60 a season, $240 a year, and invest in staying centered in caring for *you* in addition to all the others you love. 

INVESTMENT: $365 billed seasonally (4x a year) saving $240 a year on the regular rate.


  • Monthly Acupuncture and Herbal Consult 

  • Seasonal (4x/year) Bodywork + Acupuncture (includes cupping, guasha, moxa, and Ayurvedic herbal oil as needed) to clear the tissues of stagnation that contributes to pain, aches, poor immunity, and mental tension. 

  • Gentle Accountability: In your Seasonal Bodywork + Acu treatment, you’ll also get the chance to reflect on your accomplishment(s) in the previous season and what you’d like to focus on in the season ahead. Each season you’ll get to review the previous season’s session notes with Kate.

  • Seasonal (4x/year) bottle of Herbal Medicine (capsules or powders, $30 value) or Herbal Body Oil catered to your health goals 

  • $10 discount on any additional acupuncture treatments

Memberships are a non-contract commitment. Cancel anytime up until the billing date (1st of September, December, March, & June).

Fee can be prorated for those who start mid-season.

Unused treatments roll over to next month. 

In the interest of you getting the best results, treatments are not available to share with friends or family. 

Superbills can be provided on request. 

Message Kate Lumsden below to learn more and join!