Qi Gong for Kids Series

Healing Movement for Little Ones & their Grown Ups

Enjoy these Qi (pronounced “chee”) Gong movements designed to help your child feel calm and centered. These are perfect to do daily with your little ones to help you both feel good. Reach out with any questions via the contact page.

Want to learn more about how Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda can help your child? Learn more about Pediatric Care here.


Gorilla Play is the fan favorite!

Think of Gorilla Play when your child is feeling hyperactive, distracted, challenged with sitting still or focusing, or prone to easy angering. It’s great to do when transitioning from an active to a more calm activity. Great for adults too!

Seed-to-Tree helps everyone find their center. Perfect for mornings or evenings when transitioning into or out of more active parts of the day.

Think of Seed-to-Tree for a more sensitive child to help them feel grounded and safe in their bodies.

Qi (said like “ch-ee”) Ball is perfect for helping your little one ride out big feelings like anger, frustration, sadness, or fear.

If your child is prone to big feelings, practice this Qi Ball Play when they are *not* feeling dysregulated. Let them learn and practice this when they are feeling calm, so that they have the skill to call on when they become dysregulated.


Learn more about working with Kate Lumsden, L.Ac. in a complimentary 15-min consultation where you can ask questions about how these medicines can help your child.