Demystifying Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine

Demystifying Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine


Stop feeling confused about the terminology or like you’re missing something. This class will give you the foundation you need to understand 99% of what is written for lay people about these medicines and make use of it!

a Pre-recorded 90-minute Video Class with Dosha Quiz and Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations

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Get clarity, not confusion.

It's easy to get lost in the vocabulary and concepts of Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine when you don't have a context to put them in.

And when these concepts are taught out of context, the meaning often gets lost and the learner along with it. Or worse, it's oversimplified, and misunderstandings derail potential healing. I don't want that to be you. 

I want to get you started on the right foot.

You've heard of Ayurveda and/or you've heard of Chinese Medicine, and you know they're healing systems but where do you start? A dosha test? See an acupuncturist? Do a cleanse? 

In this class, I'll teach you the foundational frameworks of Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine in parallel. This understanding is the key to unlock your potential for deeper healing through these medicines and avoid confusion. 

I've studied both of these medicines at a professional level and present them in a way that's grounded and understandable for the lay person. 

Is this class right for you?

This class is the perfect starting place if you want to: 

  • adapt your diet & lifestyle for greater happiness

  • learn about constitutional types

  • start to understand the vocabulary of Ayurveda and CM

  • considering working with a practitioner 

  • understand the foundational concepts behind Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine

  • read books/articles on Ayurveda and CM and apply it to your life most effectively 

Starting here will remove some of the mystery and instead show you the beauty of how these systems work, so you can understand the ways we fall ill and recover vibrant health. 

What you can expect to learn…

Ayurvedic Medicine

You'll be introduced to:
Western Ayurveda vs Classical Ayurveda
The Major Texts of Ayurveda
Definition of Health 
Gunas, Doshas, & Seasons
Constitution vs Current Imbalances
How Ayurveda views the physical body layers
How we become unwell
Tools for treating illness 
Keys to maintaining wellness

Chinese Medicine

You'll be introducted to:
TCM vs Classical Chinese Medicine
The Classical Texts of CM 
What is Health & the primary sign of good health
Yin-Yang Theory & the 5 Phases
CM view of the body & mind 
The causes of disease
Tools for treating illness 
Keys to maintaining wellness

Why both medicines? Integration vs Comparison

Ayurvedic Medicine and Chinese Medicine have many similarities. They are not the same.

You cannot preserve the integrity of the medicine and use language from one system to explain another. Unfortunately, this is being attempted often these days in an attempt to simplify or draw parallels between the systems. It ends up leading to confusion, misrepresentation, and does both systems a disservice. By trying to integrate one into another it makes both a mess.

However, I've seen how viewing them side by side actually allows for easier understanding. The mind can see the ways they are similar and the ways they differ. This can make it easier to remember both actually. In the same way as you could look at a rose and admire it, but by looking at a rose next to a peony you may notice even more details of both. 

I've had the privilege of studying both systems of medicine at a  professional level and as it's rare for someone to have this depth of understanding of both medicines, I feel uniquely obligated to present them both with the integrity they deserve and will serve you best. 

Let's get you started on the right track! 

Have a question?

I'd love to answer any questions you might have about if this is the right class for you. 

Email me at and I'll get back to you shortly!