Building Your Postpartum Cocoon Package
Building Your Postpartum Cocoon Package
Create a beautiful 4th trimester experience for you and your baby with the time-tested wisdom traditions of Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine…
You’ll receive:
a) Two Guides: “Healing Mama Hospital Bag” (applicable for home births as well) and “Building Your Postpartum Cocoon” that covers the 40 days + of postpartum care (a $118 value)
b) One 45-minute Consultation with Kate Lumsden, practitioner & mother (a $125 value)
These guides and consultation are to support all birthing bodies regardless of what medical interventions/supports may be desired or needed. This information has been used by women who have delivered their babies both vaginally and by cesarian section with good results.
This package gives you the step-by-step guidance you need to implement low-cost healing approaches that can radically support your nervous system & mental health, heal your physical body after pregnancy and labor, and give you the energy to feel as confident as possible in your motherhood journey.
First time and seasoned mothers alike will find these guides practical and useful.
These guides and consultation can be utilized in conjunction with regular acupuncture or other holistic healthcare.
Have a question? Ask Kate Lumsden via the contact page.
After your purchase, you can schedule your Cocoon consultation with Kate Lumsden, L.Ac. here.