The Five Element Feel-Better Board Game

Find the kids-version of this game HERE.

My youngest son is now three (I know, I can't believe it either), and we play lots of board games. Specifically games with spinners involved. 

So I’ve made up a fun game for you for when you want to feel better than you presently do…

First, you can play the game anytime you want to feel better. 

Second, to start you spin the spinner (or pick a number) to land on a number between one and five. 

Have you got your number? 

Now you look at the board (see below) and see if you can say yes to all the questions under that number. If you say no to one or more questions, then pick just one that you answered "no" for and do what you need to for it to become a "yes". This is now the end of your turn. If you're playing on your own, you can spin again to get a new number and take another turn. 

The game ends when you notice that you're feeling much better. 

You may have times where you need to play this game daily. Or maybe hourly. And that's ok. Keep playing. And if you need to have a trusted friend to hold your hand while you play, please ask said friend. If want or need additional help, feel free to reach out. That's what I'm here for. 

That's the game! =) I hope you enjoy it.

Happy holiday season, friends. 

The Board…

1) Fire Element : Heart Organ

Have I gotten a good hug that I was present to in the last 24 hours? 

Have I taken space from media (at least one hour in the last 24)? 

Have I made art (for the sake of making it rather than the end product) in the last 24 hours? Have I chosen to be purposely of service to my community (family, friends, local community, or world) in the last 24 hours? (being purposely kind to a stranger counts)

Have I done any mantra repetitions today?

Have I taken my herbs today? (*see Kate for a heart-caring formula recommendation) ) 

2) Earth Element : Spleen Organ

Have I eaten enough fresh food (no leftovers or pre-cooked)?

Have I had enough water to drink? 

Have I broken a sweat today? 

Have I scraped my tongue today? 

Have I sat with my present body/breath/mind in observation rather than obsession over a topic of my mind’s choosing (maybe you call this meditation) for at least 10 minutes today?

3) Metal Element : Lung Organ  

Have I done some deep breathing today?

Have I had a really good laugh recently? (Stand up comedy is great for this.)

Have I sung along to a great song today?

Have I given away (or tossed) something I no longer make use of?

Have I looked to see potential beauty/benefits/lessons in the way that life “took something away”?

Have I done Qi Gong and/or Yoga Asana today? 

4) Wood Element : Liver Organ

Have I had a day off from being productive and leaned into pleasure instead within the last week?

Have I completed a project (even a small one) and paused to appreciate the achievement today? 

Have I done something I had been putting off today?

Have I taken time in nature today?

Have I danced today?

Have I taken a Chai Hu herbal formula (such as Ease Pearls or Xiao Yao San) within the last 12 hours?

Have I surrendered (even momentarily) trying to change what is without-a-doubt out of my control? 

Have I gotten acupuncture this week? 

5) Water Element : Kidney Organ

Have I had enough sleep? If no, have I had 20 minutes of horizontal non-stimulating (no podcasts or electronics) rest today? 

Have I eaten enough good fats (especially if you’re caffeinating)?

Have I done abhyanga today (so long as you’re not sick, menstruating, or pregnant)? 

Have I come up with ten things I’m grateful for in the past 24 hours?

Have I gotten acupuncture this week? 

Please note: These questions are not intended as a “To Do” list, but as tools you can pick up when you’re looking to improve your current experience of life.