Kids version! 5 Element "Feel-Better" Board Game

Find the adult version of this game HERE.

This is a collaborative game or can be played solo when feeling off/down/cranky/anxious or otherwise like you could feel better.

This game requires a single die (or the use of a spinner) and a playing piece such as a coin or tiny toy to hold a spot on the board.

Players take turns rolling a single die. The youngest player rolls first.

The value on the die is how many spaces the coin moves. When the coin lands on a space, the instruction is read and both players do the action. Then that turn is complete. The next player rolls, the coin is moved, the space is read and again, both players do the action. This continues until the coin reaches the finish and both players are feeling better!

Download the Game Board here.

The suggestions in given square correspond to actions that generally benefit that element in Chinese Medicine.

  • Fire Element actions support the Heart Organ (spirit)

  • Earth Element actions support the Spleen Organ (or digestion/metabolism).

  • Metal Element actions support the Lung Organ (including emotions like grief).

  • Wood Element actions support the Liver Organ (including stress and frustration).

  • Water Element actions support the Kidney Organ (including growth & a sense of safety)

I hope you and your child enjoy this playful journey to feeling better!