Lung Acupressure & Letting Go, Chinese Medicine wisdom for Autumn


Can we approach life with an open hand? 

The autumn time is a natural time of quieting, turning inward, and letting go. We see the trees shed their leaves. We watch the sun arrive later and set earlier. The depth of night beckons our attention; we cannot ignore it as the days grow shorter. 

In Chinese Medicine, this time of year is associated with the Lung organ and the emotion of grief when the qi is out of harmony. Clinging to our attachments has long been seen as a root of suffering and now is an especially healing time to address that resistance to let go. 

Rather than trying to cast out or sever all our attachments, I find this season does well to be approached with the open hand…

Can we allow what is meant to stay with us to stay and what is meant to move on to go?

This allows the Kidney energy to not be disturbed by a feeling of lack/fear/groundlessness and the Liver energy to be harmonious as we don’t get heavy handed in “cutting all ties”. 

It is no great mystery that the Lungs with their receive and release with each breath offer the lessons of the autumn & this opportunity to let go. 

In this video you can tap on the first couple points of the Lung Channel. Powerful points for working with grief, letting go, and respiration. While I demo just one side, please do both. Enjoy!

acupressureKate Schwabacher