Healthier Spring & Luscious Hair: Chinese Combing Therapy

One of the classical recommendations for springtime since at least 600 C.E. is Shu Fa or combing therapy. Combing therapy can be done with a wood or bone comb or with one’s fingertips. From the start of the hairline back to the nape of the neck, one combs the hair/scalp 100 times. This can be practiced in the morning on waking or before bed. 

Why is this helpful? The scalp is one of the microsystems we can use to treat the entire body, so in combing we are helping the whole body. You may even start to note areas that are more sensitive in your scalp than others. The stimulation at the scalp also helps regulate the Wei Qi, or defensive force, that functions to keep us healthy: if the scalp gets tight or if the scalp doesn’t have enough energy at the surface, we are vulnerable to illness. Give it a try and see how you feel. Oh, and of course it helps your hair be thicker, healthier, and more lustrous. 

I really enjoy doing my combing before bed; I find it helps my mind quiet nicely. If you struggle with sinus congestion, I recommend you do your combing in the morning. 

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

For more support with Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda, please reach out with a free 15 minute consultation or book a treatment.

lifestyleKate Schwabacher